
Showing posts from May, 2021

The 5Ws and H of Storytelling: What Makes a Story?

So it's been a while for sure! The story here is... that we're ramping up for the busiest time of year for us at work , where we get to showcase our work, research and impact through events and of course...storytelling. So if you realize I'm quiet here, feel free to check me over on the other side. :) In between now and my previous post, we also had a whole volcano explode in the neighbouring island of St. Vincent (remember I'd alluded to the increased activity there in my New Year's Eve post?) , coating the north of that island and all of my country in toxic volcanic ash, closing airports and creating massive disruption, especially for the community residents living nearest to the volcano. As I type, cleaning crews are outside of my home cleaning up the ash, the final steps in what has been a weeks-long clean up effort. One thing about the 2020s - this decade is full of stories! That is a segue to my post - the next part in my 5 Ws and H of Storytelling series an...